Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Why Proper Muscle-Building Nutrition Will Literally Make Or Break Your Success!"

Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

If there's one area of the muscle growth process where most trainees fail miserably, it's in their diet. They go to the gym, train their asses off, and then completely neglect to provide their bodies with the proper nutrients needed to actually build new muscle.

One of the biggest myths in the bodybuilding and fitness industry is that "as long as you exercise, it doesn't really matter what you eat."

Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Nutrition is an absolutely vital part of the muscle-building process, and most top experts consider nutrition to be even more important than what we accomplish in the gym. You train hard and break down your muscle fibers by lifting weights, but without the proper materials needed to facilitate recovery, muscle growth will be next to impossible.

Most people highly underestimate the nutritional side of building muscle and have no idea just how badly it's hurting their progress. Actually, it's not really a matter of hurting their progress; if you fail to eat properly, you WILL NOT make progress. Period.

You absolutely must provide your body with the proper amounts of high quality protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water throughout the day, or you can kiss your gains goodbye.

The most important thing to realize when it comes to building muscle is this...

In order to build muscle, you must consume more calories than you burn!

This is the most basic rule you can implement, and building muscle will be physiologically impossible if you do not follow it. In order to build muscle, your calories in MUST exceed your calories out.

Now, this does not mean that you can gorge yourself on chips, pop and ice cream in order to load up on calories. Not all calories are created equally, and you must consume the right types of calories in order to gain lean, muscular body weight.

There are 3 major food groups that you should be obtaining the bulk of your calories from...


This is by far the most important muscle-building nutrient because it is responsible for the growth and repair of damaged muscle tissue. Every meal that you eat should contain some high quality protein.

To achieve optimal gains in muscle mass and strength you should try to consume anywhere from 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight daily. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be eating 150-300 grams of protein every single day. You must also make sure to consume the right types of protein, from high quality sources such as...

Lean Red Meat
Skim Milk
Nuts/All Natural Peanut Butter
Cottage Cheese

Protein intake is critical to monitor. If you aren't eating enough protein, your body will be physically unable to build new muscle tissue.


Carbohydrates are used as an energy source for the muscles and brain. They also aid in the absorption of protein. All carbohydrates are eventually broken down into their simplest form: glucose. Rather than choosing your carbohydrates based on the traditional view of "simple" or "complex", you should mostly pay attention to where they place on the glycemic index, which ranks how fast the sugars are absorbed in the bloodstream.

Choose carbohydrates that are on the lower end of the glycemic index (such as oatmeal, brown rice or apples) as they will provide your body with a steady stream of energy and will prevent large fluctuations in blood sugar levels (which ultimately leads to fat storage).


If you want to maximize your muscle gains, do NOT be afraid of fats! Not all fats are created equally, and the unsaturated form is actually beneficial to overall health. Consuming an adequate amount of unsaturated fat each day will accelerate your lean muscle gains while also minimizing the rate at which you store body fat.

Unsaturated fats play many important roles in the muscle-growth process (such as boosting testosterone levels and improving the energy production of cells) and should not be overlooked. Some good sources of unsaturated fat are flaxseed oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, walnuts, all-natural peanut butter and avocados. A bit of saturated fat is okay, just don't go overboard.

Those are the 3 basic muscle-building food groups and some good examples of foods that belong in each.

Meal Frequency

One of the biggest muscle-building nutrition mistakes that you could possibly make would be to follow the traditional method of "3 square meals a day". This just isn't an effective approach for maximizing your lean muscle gains.

Instead, you should focus on eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. The most effective way to achieve this is by consuming 5-7 small meals daily, spaced out every 2-3 hours. This will keep your body in an anabolic, muscle-building state at all times and will also keep your fat burning metabolism raised.

Here's an example of what a solid day of nutrition would look like for a person trying to gain muscular body weight...

Meal 1 - 7:30am - Whey protein shake, 1 bowl of oatmeal, 1 tbsp flaxseed oil

Meal 2 - 10:30am - 3 Whole Eggs, 1 cup of hash browns, 1 cup orange juice
Meal 3 - 1:30pm - 6 oz. chicken breast, 1/2 cup of brown rice
Meal 4 - 4:30pm - Meal replacement shake, 1 apple, handful of peanuts
Meal 5 - 7:00pm - 6oz. lean beef, 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/2 cup green beans
Meal 6 - 10:00pm - Whey protein shake, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. olive oil

Do NOT overlook the nutritional side of building muscle!

If you pay close attention to when and what you eat you will make muscular gains far beyond anything you previously imagined.

If you're looking for the complete inside scoop on how to structure a perfect eating plan that will allow you to pack on inches of lean, solid muscle mass while burning through stubborn body fat, my best-selling e-book, The Truth About Building Muscle can teach you just that.

You'll gain a more indepth look at all of the major macronutrients and will learn how to plan out a proper dietary approach customized to your own bodyweight and personal goals in the gym. You'll also be given instant access to a full nutrition database that outlines the exact amount of protein, carbs, fats and calories in all of the foods you eat.

In addition, you'll learn about specific times during the day when the foods that you consume are especially critical to your success, and how to take advantage of these special periods to accelerate your progress even further.

Click Here for more details on The Truth About Building Muscle

You should now understand just how important the nutritional aspect of building muscle really is, and you are now armed with some easy-to-follow guidelines that you can start implementing right away.

Lesson #4 will arrive in a few days and will contain some very important information on one of the most controversial topics there is. I don't care who gets mad; you deserve to know the truth! Keep your eyes peeled for that.

Talk to you soon,

Best regards,

Sean Nalewanyj

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