Monday, May 28, 2007

8 Of 8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle Mass

#8 - Understand that application and consistency is EVERYTHING!

You can have the most effective workout schedule possible, the most intelligent diet approach available and the most intimate understanding of muscle growth from every possible angle, but without the inner drive and motivation to succeed you will get nowhere, and very fast.

Just as the famous saying goes…

“Knowing is NOT enough. You must APPLY!”

Those who make the greatest gains in muscular size and strength are the ones who are able to continually and systematically implement the proper techniques on a highly consistent basis.

The people who see serious results and end up with standout physiques are the ones who can consistently execute all of the little daily tasks that must be completed in order for success to be had.

Building muscle is a result of the cumulative effect of small steps.

Sure, performing 1 extra rep on your bench press will not make a huge difference to your overall results, and neither will consuming a single meal. However, over the long haul, all of those extra reps you perform and all of those small meals you consume will decide your overall success.

If you work hard and complete all of your muscle-building tasks in a consistent fashion, all of those individual steps will equate to massive gains in overall size and strength.

It is those who are willing to persevere that will succeed.

It is those who are willing to rise above laziness that will end up with impressive results.

I mean let's face it, everyone wants to be strong and muscular. If this is the case, why isn't everyone strong and muscular? It's because only certain people have the proper drive and motivation that it takes to get there.

Do you have what it takes?

How much does a powerful, defined, muscular physique really mean to you? Are you willing to put forth the required effort in order to reach your goals?

If you answered “YES”, then good for you! Digging down deep and finding the necessary motivation to take a stand and make a change is the most important step of all. I can’t force this upon you, it’s something that you’ll need to create on your own.

This report has armed you with 8 very powerful, effective muscle-building principles that you can start applying to your program right away.

Here’s a quick recap of the 8 points that we covered…

(1) Provide your body with a surplus of calories by ensuring that your caloric intake exceeds your caloric expenditure.

(2) Consume the right types of calories from the proper food sources every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

(3) Increase your water intake.

(4) Keep a detailed record of every workout that you perform.

(5) Be prepared to push your body to the limit.

(6) Avoid overtraining by limiting your overall workout volume and by providing your body with sufficient recovery time in between workouts.

(7) Stop placing so much of your emphasis on dietary supplements.

(8) Understand that consistency is EVERYTHING!

Best regards,

Sean Nalewanyj

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